
This second tip is key for keeping your members healthy so they can enjoy rounds of golf at your facility all season long. Hydration is very important for golfers of all ages. That’s because staying hydrated helps keep bodies at the correct temperature and reduces muscle cramps. Remind golfers and caddies alike to hydrate before, during, and after being out on the course. If your course is spread out, remind golfers to bring water bottles or possibly offer a water delivery service to far away holes. Another great tip is to remind golfers to bring a sports drink for every hour they anticipate being on the course. Hydration is even more important when you factor in that idea that many of your golfers may be drinking an alcoholic beverage. If you offer alcohol on your course, you need to stress proper hydration even more. It’s a good idea to offer water bottles with every drink to help keep your golfers hydrated and successful on the course.

Keep watching each week for more exciting golf tips!